Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage Therapy has been developed to assess and treat muscle and joint problems that cause pain. The pain you feel can be due by long sitting posture, repetitive movements, strenuous exercise, current and past injuries, and psychological and emotional stress. The therapist tailors the treatment for each patient, designed specifically to address your pain, goals and special requirements. The treatment can be soft or deep depending on your needs.

The goal is pain relief through correction of body function. The most effective way to achieve long term pain relief is by finding the source of the pain and then treating that, not just the symptoms. For that we utilise a range of very effective treatment techniques such as myofascial release, muscle energy technique, cupping, trigger point therapy and joint mobilisation.

Massage therapy enhances the body’s repair mechanisms; allowing patients to get better quicker. Think also about maintenance massage, to stop the build up of tension, improve muscle function and health, release stress and keep you in good shape.

Contact Sonia to book your massage today.